Step 3: Populate the Fields List Box
ADO 2.5

Step 3: Populate the Fields List Box

To populate the Fields list box

Insert the following code into the Click event handler of lstMain:

Private Sub lstMain_Click()
    Dim rec As Record
    Dim rs As Recordset
    Set rec = New Record
    Set rs = New Recordset
    grs.Move lstMain.ListIndex
    rec.Open grs
    Select Case rec.RecordType
        Case adCollectionRecord:
            Set rs = rec.GetChildren
            While Not rs.EOF
                lstDetails.AddItem rs(0)
        Case adSimpleRecord:
            recFields rec, lstDetails, txtDetails
        Case adStructDoc:
    End Select
End Sub

This code declares and instantiates local Record and Recordset objects, rec and rs, respectively.

The row corresponding to the resource selected in lstMain is made the current row of grs. Then the Details list box is cleared and rec is opened with the current row of grs as the source.

If the resource is a collection record (as specified by RecordType), the local Recordset, rs, is opened on the children of rec. Then lstDetails is filled with the values from the rows of rs.

If the resource is a simple record, recFields is called. For more information about recFields, see the next step.

No code is implemented if the resource is a structured document.

See Also

Step 4: Populate the Details Text Box

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